I was cruising Craigslist again, and I saw this post. It's a bit blunt, but I am really glad that someone is looking out for ferrets' best interest. Awesome!
To people looking for ferrets (everywhere)
Date: 2009-10-11, 1:02PM PDT
Reply to: comm-ecdyt-1416747894@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
I have notice a lot of people looking for free or no cost ferrets recently. I would like to let people know that ferrets are VERY high maintance animals. They need 4+ hours a day outside the cage of supervised playtime. They need their litter changed DAILY. Ferrets also need special food. Made for Ferret although some people think that they can feed them cat food it is very bad for their teeth. Ferret food cost $10 for the smallest bag so it expensive. Ferret also need vet care a lot of people don't relize that they need rabbies and distemper shots. Ferrets can also have lots of health problems. You need to find an experinaced vet who knows about ferrets. I have four ferrets of my own and have spent well over $2000 on my ferrets this year. This is only for things they must have such as cage, litter box, shampoo, nail trimmers, water bowl, dishes, beddings, leashes and harness and some ferret toys. I hope that if you REALLY want a ferret your willing to pay at least something for them. If your not even willing to pay a rehoming fee that suggest to me that you might not be willing to properly take care of your new pet and it will most likly end up on craiglist again to be rehome. If this does not apply to you then I am deeply sorry but hopfully this post will open someone's eyes to how much responsiblity an animal is this something that a lot of people on craigslist seem to do. They buy an animals have and acciendtly have more of them and then they rehome them. Also ferrets are illegal in califorina and hawwii so if your going to move there don't bother getting one it will be back on cariglist because you didn't do your research. Please research ferret in dept before you decide to take one into your home